I was feeling really good about my return to blogging and then tragedy struck my family. It didn't take me long to turn to a familiar comfort, sewing, knitting, and crafting.
I have a new sewing room to share since moving into my house a couple years ago. This includes a new cutting table made from IKEA components plus a melamine top.
I then NEEDED to make something and made three new nightgowns. I then made a skirt, switched to machine knitting and knit a bunch of stuff (a poncho for my mom, socks for my son, a hat for my dad, sweaters for the grandkids, a blanket and hat for a new nephew, a sweater for me), made another skirt.
Sometime in between the knitting, I painted my living room and hallway. After that, I switched to a complete OBSESSION over choosing a new sofa. I spent HOURS visiting local stores! HOURS!
I went on to make a t-shirt and a turtleneck, and then after realizing my wool coat is WAY too big, cut out a new coat project that I'm working on.
That's been the last 3 months of my life. Plus work and normal house and life stuff.
I am over social media at the moment. I was already trending this way and never even had time to react to the election or post-election fall out as I've been in this...state.
So, as we do, I am keeping my focus on the things that bring me a bit of joy. In my downtime (har, har) I plan to do some write-ups and schedule them.
I'm really excited to share info on my cutting table, soon.