
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Blah, Blah, No FOs, Blah, Blah


When I wrote my last post, I was SO ready to finish up the dress and jacket and get ALL THE SEWING done before surgery.

Last Monday morning I went in for nerve conduction testing / EMG. oh. my. goodness. That was the worst thing I have ever experienced. It was so painful that I burst into tears and was just lying there sobbing, begging the neurologist to stop. It was that bad! I was sore for a few days afterward.

In the mean time, I went in that Wednesday to get the results. Good news - no nerve damage. Yay!!! My orthopedic doctor noticed my "cute new mole" (as I referred to it) and told me to go to dermatology to get it checked out. Luckily, they were able to get me in same day (I think it's because the doctor suggested it vs me just trying to get an appt!) and they are right down the street so I left the orthopedist, got coffee, and went to the dermatologist.

She looked at it and decided immediately that it had to be removed. Then said, "We're going to remove that, it's a superficial scraping, and send it in." I was on the table before I realized "send it in" = "biopsy". She tried to be reassuring but I was already freaked out. The injection of the numbing medicine into my hand was HORRIFIC. More tears (I don't know what is happening to me). I left there with a chunk of skin missing and a whole bunch of questions. When the anesthetic wore off, OH MY GOSH. Wah. Wah. Wah.

Thursday and Friday I was not only in pain from the EMG and the biopsy, but I was worried sick about the results. I bought a whole bunch of random things (this form of dealing with feelings is infinitely better than stuffing my face!)The office called me Saturday afternoon -- mini freak out that THEY ARE CALLING ME ON A SATURDAY! followed up immediate relaxation when the assistant introduced herself. Well they cannot be giving me bad news because the doctor would be on the phone... -- All is well! YAY!

You don't even want to know the level of offensiveness that I was ready to have at me, a brown girl, living in the tundra, who doesn't even LIKE outside and is constantly Vitamin D deficient falling victim to melanoma. Whew.

The biopsy site was feeling a little better on Saturday and I made a pair of Evie La Luve Frankie undies. My first time EVER sewing underwear! But it still hurt and so I didn't do anymore that day or Sunday.
from my IG

My company closes for Presidents' Day and the entire time I've worked here that has been a sew day. But My Hand. Wah. I kid you not, around 4-5 p.m. my hand miraculously felt better - so annoying. I was home alone for the evening and cut out and mostly sewed a pair of pants from NL6189.

My jacket is ready for the lining to be sewn (I decided to follow the instructions and not bag the lining. It'll probably take awhile to finish but that's okay. I'm on the fence about the style. Of course, right?!  I think I understand how to do the vent of the lining/dress on NL6123. And now I have 7 days until surgery! Should definitely be able to wrap up the dress and current pants project. I have suddenly realized I have very few pants that fit and hope to cut out V1411 in an olive green ponte too. We'll see!!

Otherwise, I am optimistic and will do everything the doctor tells me - promise! But I also know that I'm always more affected than the general population. Like my 4 days of arm pain and soreness from the EMG!

With the 3 in-progress projects, the undie pattern and hopefully V1411 to review, there will be some activity here on the blog! I will probably schedule them for about once per week.

Lastly, did you happen to notice I'm a contributor over on the Curvy Sewing Collective blog?? Debbie Cook and I will be alternating the monthly pattern roundups and February was 'my' turn!


julie said...

Sorry you couldn't use your hand for a couple of days, but glad to hear there's no melanoma. Good luck, with your sewing plans and your upcoming surgery.

MissRosieLynn said...

Thank you for taking care of yourself. Be well and keep planning sewing projects... They are a great diversion!

Doctor T Designs said...

So glad that the sample came back benign! Sucks that it was so painful, but a few days of pain is so much better than the alternative. Good luck getting all your projects in before the surgery!

Alison said...

Very glad that your mole biopsy was benign, and sorry that getting it removed was so painful! Ditto for the nerve conduction testing. The amount of pain in nerve conduction testing varies A LOT. I have had it done on my hands/wrists seven times; sometimes with the kind of pain you describe, and sometimes with only minor "buzzing" sensations. I definitely feel for you, and hope that your surgery and recovery go smoothly!

SewRuthie said...

I have found Mindfulness to be useful for medical procedures, perhaps you would find it helpful also.
Glad the tests have had good results, even though unpleasant.

Sarah Liz said...

EMG's are horrible. I used to work as a RN in a rheumatology clinic, and patients hated them. One of the nurses went for one as well - and she said it was very painful. So sorry you had to endure one. Still it is behind you now. And yes, inflammation around wounds is painful. Best wishes for your op.

terriseravalli said...

So sorry you are hurting. Good luck with your surgery and recovery. Terri

Janice said...

So sorry for the pain of all this! I miss your blog - love seeing ideas you have seen. I also watch CSC. Would be great to have you do utube videos as sew along. You could research that while you're mending.
I'm sewing today b/c we are again getting MORE snow. Best wishes.

Debbie Cook said...

Sorry about all the pain/health stuff. Not fun! Take care and rest up (although I think you hate resting .. lol).

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Oh my gosh! sitting still is like, the worst thing everrrrrr! :-p

Thanks Debbie!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thanks Janice!

My husband is trying to get me to do YT vids...idk about that. we'll see :)

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you Terri!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Oh my gosh! You get it!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you Ruthie! That is very helpful!! In preparation for surgery, I've also focused on trying to eat better, sleep more...and other things that help with reducing stress and inflammation in the body.

NeldaB said...

So sorry to hear about the health problems that are keeping you from sewing. I know the upcoming surgery and recovery are going to be a challenge for you. As a side note, have you tried Style Arc pants patterns. I have several that I make over and over and I think you might like them, too. They fit well and are simple to make. I like the pull-on styles with the 2-inch elastic waistband that lies flat on the tummy. Give them a try when you have an opportunity. Best wishes for good results on your surgery.

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you Julie!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you! And indeed, they are! :) I can dream up my summer wardrobe.

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Yes it is! Thanks T!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

SEVEN TIMES?!?! The hand/fingers wasn't that bad but the forearm and triceps?? Wooooo buddy!

Thank you so much!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you Nelda!!!

While I love SA for my upper body...I've struck out with them on bottom. Too much work on the crotch curve and back fir to make them worth it :/

Vanessa said...

The whole ordeal with your hand sounds painful, though I am extremely glad that the biopsy is normal!! I have been wondering how you have been doing, and praying your upcoming surgery goes well. Congrats on the undies, and the progress on your jackets.

Beth (SunnyGal Studio) said...

well that sounds like a total pain in the *** but good it's over with. I was interested to see you starting as an editor at the CSC and doing the pattern roundups. I find they are very "indie-centric" and have tended to ignore the Big 4 pattern companies. I hope you can point out some of the great Burda options which I'm always telling people to try, I think the minimal instructions put people off but they do have interesting patterns.

Ann Brodsky said...

So sorry to hear about your hand issues. Those are the worst when you rely on your hands to do everything that you love! I had carpal tunnel pretty badly for about a year, and thought it would never end, but it did. So, hang in there, and best of luck with the surgery!

Kay said...

lI can empathize with thatvstess if not knowing what it is.. Try Arnica Montana 200 D or C homeopathic pills or drops to bring down the pain now or even after surgery ... Arnica is good health when there’s a tissue tear or a cut (even for serious surgery).

Kay said...

hate autocorrect...

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

As someone whose (huge) pattern stash is about 85% Big4 and with my love for is likely that those brands will appear more frequently.

And, ::whispers:: I am going to do a feature in Sewn magazine on Burda mag!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you Ann!!

I have been a CT sufferer for almost 20 years now. The longest bout of relief was about 5/6 years. I am so looking forward to being pain-free!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Auto correct is evil :)

Thanks for the tip!

Dlawson said...

I am sorry to hear about the biopsy and the pain that you experienced. I try to be a trooper about such things myself, but I am sensitive to some of the procedures that end up being part of the process. Do take care and give yourself time to recover. Blessings to you!

Accordion3 said...

Glad that the biopsy was benign. That's happened with each of mine, except, I'm "photocopy paper white" and living in Australia, the world leader in melanoma rates. My anxiety levels are sky high each time too.

And - hands and feet - almost impossible to anaesthetise fully and bizarrely very painful to put the anaesthetic in. SIGH!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you!! I think I'm almost mentally prepared.

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you!! OMG I cannot imagine having to do that repeatedly. I've heard it about feet but didn't think about it in relation to the hand. Wah.

Keewee said...

I had a fun little mole on the palm of my hand. When the doc saw it she got all bug-eyed and freaky and said "this must go!" It too was benign. Now I have another on the same hand but in a crease on the palm. That's gonna be a blast to have removed. Be kind to your hands!!

Bunny said...

So sorry about all this pain but what a relief the end result was not melanoma. It can pop up in the oddest places. My brother has had two bouts, one in his armpit, bad, and one below the belt at his back waist. How does that see the light of the sun? I say, enjoy your good news, and go out and buy more fabric to celebrate. If you can't sew it, buy it to sew later, right?

Bernice said...

Oh my! I'm sorry for all that you have had to go through. Very glad that you had good news in the end. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Stay well.
(Sorry I am so behind in commenting...have been behind on blogs and just catching up.)