
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Burda 6/2018 jacket WIP and more...

I have been planning this jacket for 2 years now! I purchased the fabric, zipper, and snaps in spring of 2019 and have finally gotten around to starting the project.

If you don't know, Burda's zipper recommendations are often for the largest size. So back then, I ordered a 20" zipper. Well, the size 42 takes an 18" zipper! Grr! Wawak to the rescue (plus, I finally purchased a hip curve ruler - they were on sale!). 

Here is where it stands: 

Left and right fronts, and the back, assembled.
Sleeve outseam sewn (still need to sew the side seam)
Sleeve's need to be basted in now that the zipper is in, so I can check fit, then I'll continue on. 

I FINALLY finished my brother's golf club covers. I started with these free templates (HERE), muslined each, and then made some adjustments.  I used my Cricut to cut out the number/letter labels, backed with Wonder Under (though the Cricut Maker can cut fabric without the backing), and topstitched in place. I'd watched a video on YouTube (HERE) by Dormie on how theirs are constructed (and it's EXACTLY how I'd set out to construct mine!), and shared it with him. He really liked the diagonal stripes, so we incorporated that element. 

My brother and I took a trip to SR Harris where he chose the purples for his hybrid covers and the red/yellow CAUTION-inspired colors for his driver and fairway covers. They are lined with a lightweight Polartec water-resistant fleece. 

I will readily admit that I was *this* close to redoing the dark purple one when I saw that it was kind of lopsided! LOL! I think the intricacies of topstitching that 3 is what stopped me!

I had no clue how work with this nylon fabric and it really stalled progress. Turns out that a Microtex needle and slightly looser tension was the right move. They turned out so nicely!

In other news, I had an impromptu cleaning session in the basement, where fabric and pattern storage is. Over time, I always end up with a bunch of patterns and magazines in the sewing room, after random browsing sessions or intentions on sewing something. Then, they end up in random boxes and what not in the basement. I filed everything away and did a tiny bit of rearranging. And, after putting away some cuts of fabric, I reminded myself that I need not buy ANOTHER YARD OF FABRIC :-p

The file cabinets are standard, short, 2-drawer office-style cabinets. My husband works at a private school and whenever there are pieces of furniture being discarded, he checks with me first. The table I use for my knitting machine, for my serger + coverstitch, the desk that was my sewing table that is now a laundry folding table...and these cabinets are all scored for free!

And that machine is a vintage Kenmore 1503! I intend to get it serviced when I have the space to keep it set up. 

Lastly, I have had the pleasure of seeing and spending time with my baby grandson this past weekend! He is 7 months old now and is SO HAPPY and active! He "talks" constantly, he loves giving kisses, and he's always dancing. He still dislikes socks, has never worn shoes, but doesn't mind clothes now. LOL!

I have to leave the room when they're trying to put him to sleep because, "Nana gets you too hyped!" hahahaha! :-D 


  1. loving the look of that jacket, looks like something you can dress up or down. I can't believe he's 7 mo. already where has the time gone???cute

  2. Your jacket looks phenomenal!!

    I love the golf club covers for your brother!

    What awesome file cabinets for storage! That is a dream setup.

    I am sure the time with your grandson was precious. He sounds like a joy!

  3. Your jacket looks great can't wait to c it on club things look good too, but you left the best for last..your grand baby is adorable🥰

  4. I'm so excited to see your finished jacket, the golf club covers look amazing, and I'm totally jealous of your basement pattern storage - I would love to have a dedicated space for pattern and fabric storage that didn't impact the functionality of the sewing room as much as my current storage does. And yay for family time! So many great things 🙂

  5. Hi. Nothing specific to the post but just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I suppose I've been lurking for some time but your makes are inspiring and your honesty about patterns and what works and what doesn't is refreshing. I cannot believe you've been sewing for such a short time. I have been sewing since I was 11 and I'm 62 and you are so much better than I am. Congratulations on your grandchild. What a blessing.


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