
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tap, Tap, Tap...Is this thing on?

Hey y'all!!

Apparently, it has been approximately 539 days since I last blogged. And let me tell you, a lot can happen in 539 days!

I think most that follow the blog follow me on IG, so probably not news but since my last post I've purchased a home (new sewing room to share! woohoo!!), got a divorce (joyfully!), and became a grandma again (for the 3rd time!).

While I've certainly sewn a few things, I have not been sewing like I'd like. I'm thinking my recent sewing room upgrades will change that, and I'm excited to reconnect with the sewing community without relying on IG. The algorithm continues to be an issue, the exclusive focus on Reels is an issue, and now, they've made hashtags useless. 

I've always excitedly shared new makes here, but I think I'm going to move to a different format, especially since I'm sewing less overall. I hope to share projects in 2-3 parts: 

  • planning;
  • fitting and/or construction; 
  • construction and/or modeled photos
Planning: pattern choice, fabric choice, notions needed (and where to acquire them!)

Fitting: I have some standard changes that I make for various pattern brands that I sew regularly (Big4 patterns, Burda magazine, and Style Arc), but I will also share in these posts the resources used or similar resources available to determine fit changes that may be needed and how to do them. Depending on the garment, this post may include construction information (e.g., a simple knit dress or straight skirt may not have a lot of fitting details or construction steps).

Modeled photos: This post may include construction if it is a more complex garment, along with the modeled photos. I hope to share items after they have been integrated into my wardrobe so that I can talk about what works, what may not work, and/or what I might do differently on a future make (or if the pattern won't be revisited!).

I will forever state, vehemently, that I am not a teacher! But, as my sewing continues to improve, I'd like to be a resource for people who care about the overall craft and not just shiny finished goods and high-quality photos. I'm *considering* a YouTube channel, but I'm not sure yet if I can commit to that. 

I am also diving heavier into machine knitting. I can't be a resource on that topic yet...but will be sure to share as much info as I can in each project post for anyone who may be interested. 

I have dove head-first into DIY since buying my house! I've done so many projects and have started a bit of amateur woodworking, so you might see that too! (it's MY BLOG! haha!). 

Lastly, while I don't do much general crafting or Cricut crafting anymore, those posts will be here as well. I am no longer a Cricut ambassador. They dropped me after I gave an honest (but not negative!) review of the Cricut Joy. Booooooo.

For now, here is a picture that brings ME great joy...lounging in my new hammock in my backyard :-D


Bunny said...

That is one pile of major life changes, wow! I have always felt that moving is one of the most difficult, new locations, friends, doctors, jobs, just everything. But they are all a challenge and I wish you the best. I really missed your posts. I agree with you totally on IG and I am also considering the youtube route. I miss the strong community that blogging once had but so much has dissipated. Those of us "left behind" need to cling and keep a community for sewists that is open and free from the algorithyms and commercialisms shoved on us by IG. I am looking into other options. email me if you care to discuss. Take care and so wonderful to see you back.

Rebecca Grace said...

Congratulations on all of those big changes in your life! Just one of those things would be incredibly stressful, but you seem so centered in your power, in control, and determined that this is all for good. I think that’s awesome, and I love your proposed series of posts to take us through your garment sewing process. I am looking forward to seeing the fabulous things you will be making in your new sewing room! Oh and congrats on the new grand baby, too!

Summer Flies said...

Yes.. it's on.. I've been waiting and figured it was something big but it's many big things. I miss your posts and I bought a knitting machine but as yet have no time to look at it even but I want to learn when I have time. Congrats on a new house, and your own life. Looking forward to reading the blog.. I don't do IG as I just don't don't care to learn anything about it but I miss all the bloggers who migrated there.

JustGail said...

Wow, lots going on in your life since you last posted here. Sorry about the divorce - never easy to deal with no matter how glad one is to be out of the marriage. Big YAY for the new grandbaby, house, sewing room, grandbaby, and new woodworking hobby.

I'm looking forward to your return to blogging and reading about your projects. Sewing, knitting, or otherwise.

Waco said...

Oh my gosh I am just so dang excited to see a new post from you! I started sewing in earnest in 2015, and your blog was one of my very favorites -- not only inspirational but also aspirational, for me.

I extricated myself from all things Facebook back in 2016. As more and more sewing blogs disappeared or stopped being updated, I did attempt to gravitate to Instagram but - ug - the lack of warmth, the lack of details, the loss of any sense of sewing community was no replacement for the blogging community I had come to know and love.

I have noticed a few sewing bloggers slowly beginning to start posting again on their old blogs. Fingers crossed that it is a trend. There is still a strong community of sewing bloggers and followers out here, though the audience is understandably so much smaller than it used to be. Every and anything you post will add color, flavor, warmth and a much-missed perspective. Welcome back!

SewRuthie said...

Wishing you all the best in the next chapter of your life.
I am a member of which is an old style bulleting board. You might enjoy being a member too.

Cheers Ruthie

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Oooh, thank you, Ruthie!!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Yes!!! A complete lack of warmth and details. I have seen more people posting and it is encouraging.

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thanks, Gail!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Yay! I hope you find the time to get on with your machine!

Thank you so much! It's been a busy time!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you so much Rebecca! It is such a relief to be on this side of things. I feel so FREE. And my little grand-girl is the cutest chunker!!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Hi Bunny!!! Yessss! We should chat. I kind of want to do the YT thing, but I am overwhelmed by the time commitment and video editing (which I wouldn't even know where to start).

Moving is SO DIFFICULT! Everything gets upended. I love my house so much though...

L said...

I've been thinking of YouTube too. Time commitment, editing, and being on camera give me much pause.

L said...

Yay! I'm so happy to see that you're back! You're one of my favorite sewers and your clothes are always well done and classy. Congratulations on the house (backyard hammock life for the win!), new grandbaby, sewing space, and all-around peace and joy. I always love reading your blog and look forward to future posts - sewing and DIY!

Debbie Cook said...

Yay! Welcome back to blog world! I do follow you on IG but I really do prefer blogs for the details. Congrats on the new house - it's so cute! I watched your purchase on HGTV, which was SO COOL! I've sadly let my blog lapse again but it's mainly because I haven't been sewing and I've had a lot of life stuff going on. But that's getting settled (new house/move in my near future too) and I should be on the blog again before too long.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

It's so good to see you back! I understand the IG issues. I'm just so thrilled when someone sees my posts cause IG is making it difficult. I think you should post whatever you like. Personally I'd be thrilled to see the woodworking. But then I've been watching the entire process of you getting your house (cool HGTV show), and all of the updates you've done to it.

As for sewing, post what you do. It's surprising how what we think is inconsequential but it means so much to others. Also like your posting ideas. So I'm looking forward to more blog posts and getting the good details about your new makes! Welcome Back!

Lynn said...

Welcome back to the blog!

BrewerBarbara said...

Glad you're back and thriving! I agree with your thoughts on IG. I prefer to read blogs way more than watch YouTube videos. I realize that I take in information better when I read rather than watch.

JustGail said...

referencing Debbie's and Carolyn's comments - You were on HGTV?! Cool, what show/season? I'd love to try and find it on line or keep an eye out for a broadcast re-run. I bet that experience could be a whole new blog on its own!

Doctor T Designs said...

Yay! So happy to see you back to blogging. I've been enjoying following your Instagram posts (and massive life changes!), but I'm still a long(er) form content junkie at heart, so I'm really happy to see you back blogging. I would totally follow you on YouTube, but the editing is a time commitment for sure. I do some (very basic) editing on occasion for educational materials and it takes forever, even for the small amount I do.

Bunny said...

Hopefully you'll see this as it is much later date. We've been away on vacationS, with an S, and I am just catching up. You can reach me at I have YT thoughts. I think we can encourage each other. This includes you too, L.