
Thursday, January 10, 2019

In-House Patterns New York Mini Skirt

I've expressed my love of In House Patterns before. There are 10 patterns available for sale and I own 8 of them. They are good and the finished measurement chart is outstanding! IHP is a Canadian pattern company founded by Alexandra Morgan, a former pattern maker, designer, technical designer and fit technician in the fashion industry. (this is the kind of Indie pattern co. I can get behind!)

When I decided I wanted an ivory/winter white mini, I remembered this Rayon/acetate/lycra blend suiting I scored at Fabric Mart for $3.75 a yard! It has amazing drape! I took it to the last sewing meetup because I was like, "SOMEONE has to feel how amazing the drape of this fabric is!!!!!" LOL! Y'all know how I am.

It was SO hard to photograph the nearly white skirt.

I cut a size 14 and did a 3/4" full bum adjustment and at the last minute decided to add 1/2" to the side seams. After basting, I removed all of it plus a tiny bit more through the hip and had to take the waist in a couple times and actually think I need to take it in some more. Wah. I didn't trust my own measurements! Like pretty much every pattern company, I need one size smaller than my hips to fit my waist. So I should have cut a 12 graded to a 14. 

I had to enlist my husband for the pics because doing it on my own with the tripod, I got a bright white rectangle and that was IT. lol! It looked photoshopped!

Bathroom Selfies!

Everything went together beautifully, as has the other few patterns I've sewn from the brand. The pattern doesn't include a lining but the yoke is faced and so adding a lining is easy peasy. 

Look at how crisp the waistband is! This fabric was a JOY to work with! I was worried about using a white zipper but the pull blends right in unlike the blinding white zipper tape :)

I sewed the skirt 100% by machine. The zipper lining turned out well. The machine stitched blind hem is okay. I will probably end up sewing it by hand when I am able. It's less awesome than I want it to be.

So, my hand :( Although my most recent MRI wasn't helpful, I realized that the issues I'm having now are carpal tunnel related. I've had it since I was about 19 to varying degrees of severity. I showed him this pic which happened 2 days before I went in and he said that was carpal tunnel related. So we'll see how the EMG test goes next month...I'm going to go back to my old orthopedic doc (sighhhhhhhh so over all this!) since he's treated my CT since like 2004/2005. I've been wearing my brace to bed every night and it helps a ton. Helps me get through the work day at least!

Couldn't move my fingers and they were turning purple!!!

I hemmed my last Butterick 6621 dress on Saturday but haven't been able to cut anything out. I have a Burda blouse ready to sew but also didn't want to be using my hand if I didn't need to. I think I'll get to sew it this weekend, we'll see.

I was pretty committed to not buying fabric for awhile and lo and behold, I saw a fabric similar enough to the black watch plaid I've been stalking (and almost had in my hot little hands but it sold out at Michael Levine before my order got processed). This one was cheaper too! :-p

So hopefully I'll have a lovely little sheath soon! 


Unknown said...

I love the skirt! <3 <3 I'm sorry to hear about your hand. My mom got surgery on one of her hands for carpal tunnel and her hand is functioning again. She was having such trouble before. Her recovery wasn't bad either as long as she was good about doing the hand exercises. Now she wants it in the other hand, too. She knits and sews, too, so her hands not functioning was really upsetting her. I hope your orthopedic doc has a good solution for you.

andib said...

You may want to check out a PT in your area that has been trained by the Institute of Physical Art. You may see your hand function improve. Also, you may get relief from having a PT use kinesio tape. I hat to see you have such poor function! Take care!
Also, I am super jelous that you look so cute in that white skirt!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you Andi!

I’ve done both :( PT helped A TON but I’ve never gotten full function back. And I have a whole suite of Kinesio Tape!!! :) it does relieve the immediate pain but again...nothing ever gets me 100% yet.

Many years ago, I was getting cortisone shots and one time I went in and then things were fine for YEARS. I didn’t even realize I’d gone 4-5 years with no issues until I started having issues again. Fingers crossed!!!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you Andie!!

The last time we talked surgery, he didn’t think it would help me. But that was ~5 years ago. Though admittedly, I’ve never been too fond of the option. My dad and an aunt had CT surgery around the same time, both of them on both hands, and their outcomes were NOT good :( Could totally be the surgeon, of course, but it put me off the thought! We will see what the doc thinks. Especially after the EMG.

Vanessa said...

In House patterns? I will have to check them out! Your skirt looks so cute on you, and so well made! I am sorry about the situation with your hand, as I can relate with the left arm pain I still have off and on (though it is so much better now). I hope this next return visit will help you get some solutions that you are pleased with.

Mountain Woman said...

Skirt looks great! The white fabric does look fantastic. Is the top fabric from Fabricmart? I think I have it. Have you written about that project?

Lisa said...

Love that skirt! Sorry about your hand troubles. I can relate....i have arthritis in both hands and some days I just CAN'T do any sewing, no matter how much I want to. Sending positive vibes your way that you get some answers and relief soon. Take care!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Definitely check them out!

Oh my gosh that stinks that you're still having issues too :(

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Good eye! It is indeed! I made a top from it and have another panel. I really wish I had more...I'd love a dress from it!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

OMG Lisa I didn't know that! It is so frustrating :(

Thank you much! Hope you can make the February sewing meetup! We're going to actually SEW!

Summer said...

Great skirt. Sorry to hear about your hand issues. Hope everything fully heals and quickly, too!

Unknown said...

You are my shining star! Seriously! (It's me, Alexandra) :D

Let's Get Sewing said...

Your skirt looks amazing!!

Bunny said...

I love this entire look on you! Amazing skirt! Ouch, that pic of your hand hurts! I imagine it will be machine hems for a while and I do hope they get you all better soon. Thanks for the heads up on this Indie, the type I like too. Wouldn't it be great if there were some "body" of authority and respect and experience that could somehow certify Indie patterns that really know what they are doing? Sort of like the Screen Actors Guild and the Emmies and Oscars? They could set the standards and requirements and let us all know who the greats are as there are so many to wade through and who has the time to make mistakes and chuck and post reviews? In the Indie beginnings some of the FB mommy indies attempted this among themselves but of course there was a fee to be considered and it lasted all of ten minutes. It sure would be a help if there was some sort of certification label on a pattern letting us know. Perhaps ASDP could do this, sigh..........

Accordion3 said...

I am always in envy of anyone who can wear white. I blink and I'm covered with cat/dog/human hair followed by dust and dirt. Your skirt is really beautiful and suits you wonderfully.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

That was a great price for the fabric! And the skirt is really cute, too. So sorry about your hand...hopefully your old orthopedic dr will be able to help you.

L said...

Man, I am sorry about the continued hand woes. I hope you and the doctor can find a solution that gives you lasting freedom from the pain.

Your skirt looks good and is nicely sewn.

MadebyLaQuana said...

I love in-house, she has great fitting tutorials and videos, I’m hoping she expands her size range soon. Dang hand!

Bunny said...
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Bunny said...

Your fit and workwomenship on the skirt is just fabulous. Your entire ensemble is so stylish. Wow, that hand looks painful and I do hope respite is close.