
Monday, March 7, 2022

A Dozen Drafts WIP - McCall's 7834

When I cut the first muslin (half) for this bodice, I was truly mystified. I ended up going back through my Pattern Review history and searching a bit on the blog (I stopped reviewing there at one point) and realized I had only made a handful of woven McCall's tops/dresses over the years, quite a few of them had dropped, cut-on, or raglan sleeves, and I don't think I have any of them in my wardrobe currently. 

I was ready to throw in the towel but I kept going and am so happy with the current progress. 

As you can see, the sleeve isn't actually set yet, but the neckline, shoulder, bust, and waist is sitting so nicely. I joked on IG that if I could just stop trying on pieces of garments, I could get more sewing done! And someone pointed out that I move too fast as it is :) I was totally having one of my, "ah, I was hoping to get more done" but I then realized I'd made a ton of progress. Next up is assembling the collar, sewing the buttonholes, sewing the side seams, inserting the sleeves, then I'll work on the skirt (which is 2 tiers and gathered). I've decided to take Wednesday off and will spend a lot of time that day sewing and knitting. 

This weekend I also baked like 10 dozen cookies (peanut butter and oatmeal raisin), visited with my niece who was in town from NC, saw The Batman, washed my hair and visited a sewing friend who gave me a bunch of books that she was downsizing.

These gems plus a stack of Singer Reference Library books (you can see them peeking out on the left, below). Some of them were duplicates to what I have in stash, but I scored a few new ones too.

My S1325 is stalled because it needs a tiny bit more hand sewing and my hand is NOT cooperating. I have (another!) appointment next week with a hand specialist. I've seen 3 or 4 orthopedic docs, done physical therapy, done occupational therapy, I just want my hand to work and not be perpetually swollen :(

That's it for now. I had very ambitious March goals. WHEW. I'm chugging along. 

This fabric just makes me HAPPY!


Allie Casey said...

That fabric makes me happy too! Love how your blouse is coming along...eager to see the finished result.

sewer54 said...

Thanks for sharing the books/ i'm always looking for new books that will help me with fitting. I know how to sew - but really need help with the fitting process. Mainly trying to make as many adjustments as I can at the pattern level.

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Fitting is really a whole, entire skill set unto itself!

I know that Lynda Maynard does virtual sessions at $95/hour. Alexandra Morgan (InHouse) has an in depth class once a year (there’s a wait list for 2023) or a virtual bodice block course for $129 Canadian (about $100 right now).

I really want just one in-person session, at least, hopefully soon!!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thank you!!

Cathy Huber said...

Glad to see that you stuck with the project and it's looking good. Gorgeous fabric.

Doctor T Designs said...

I love the fabric on your blouse! It looks like you've had a really productive start to the month.
Hopefully you can get some resolution with your hand issues - I hope the swelling goes down soon.

Bunny said...

Beautiful blouse and coming along nicely. I see a great fit ahead. Wish I could help with your hand sewing. That is one swollen puncher.

Linda L said...

Looks like this will be a winner. Lovely fabric.

Peg Sullivan said...

OOOO very nice shirt. Can not wait to see finished

Carolanne said...

Great work! I was perusing your blog and it was a couple of years ago, 2 pair of Burda shorts you made for your daughter. Love them and would love to get the pattern number...I searched for the one you listed but can't find anything. Any chance you still have the pattern and can confirm the number? Thank you!

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Thanks, I have no clue which one you’re talking about! Can you let me know what I listed as the pattern or link to the post??

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

It’s 6938! I couldn’t rest. Lol!

Carolanne said...

Fabulous, thank you SO MUCH!!