
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Palette Cleanser: Vogue 9022

I needed to make something easy and straightforward and my first thought was of course a TNT. But then, I wanted to sew a tunic from the 10/2017 Burda...and pulled out an animal print sweater knit.

 When I bought it, way back in February 2015, I loved the print but it was too much for an every day garment working at the engineering firm.  When I pulled the fabric out, I fell for it all over again. I was holding it up and realized, hey! I can TOTALLY wear this print at my current job! YAY!

I was going to make this pattern for the reversible garment challenge of the Bee. So I'd already read all the reviews and was ready to go. I am SO happy with it and it was just what I needed to keep the mojo going!
My daughter is such a great photog!!! <3

I was going to shorten it about 1/2" at the waist but honestly got lazy about altering the 3 pattern pieces (I know...). I had the larger envelope sizing and cut a Large, grading the neckline and shoulder down to a Medium. (I think after I did that I couldn't be bothered to shorten it! haha!) I also did a 5/8" swayback adjustment.

This pattern has a ton of reviews so I'm sure you know by now that the pockets are made by attaching the upper front and lower front, and folding up the bottom to create the pocket. Be sure to carefully mark the pocket placement and compare your left and right pieces to ensure they're even! Once I got it all marked, I hand-basted the pockets in place. I then serged all of the pattern pieces (except for the shoulder seams) because I figured it would be too bulky otherwise.

I pressed the seams open but cut the seam allowance at a 45 degree angle at the pockets so they could remain flat.

The pockets are really nice. They are a usable size and I like the soft fold on the top.

I left off the walking slit because 1) it wasn't needed in the knit and 2) I knew I'd be shortening it, I just didn't know how much. I did NOT leave off the back opening. Like with the cute little tie front top from Burda, lots of people mentioned not needing the opening.

I have a big head. Like, I was so excited to learn to crochet and then knit so I could have cute hats. I have had to buy hats in the mens section for forever. Luckily I made a ton of hats before I had to quit the fiber arts. So, big headed people unite...I needed it. Totally needed it. So beware. If you have a normal head, you may be okay. If you have a giant dome, do the slit or a zipper or something. :-p

I had this zipper in stash. I bought a handful of them awhile ago for $.50 from SR Harris.

I decided to bind the neckline instead of doing the facings. I stretched the back opening out a little :( but it doesn't look TOO bad.  And of course, my sleeves are a little too snug. Sheesh. I was going to go back and let out the sleeve seam but this sweater knit + black thread and I was just full of nopes.

After trying it on, I really liked it and decided it needed to be shorter. I cut off 2 1/2" from the hemline and hemmed it at 3/4". The original hem allowance was 1 1/4" so I effectively removed 2". A couple other reviewers removed 2" in length as well.

I think this length works with tights and boots and with leggings as more of a tunic.

And of course, it's a black & white print. Shrug. I've stopped fighting it!

b/w dresses! :-p

My daughter and I had lunch together and the trees were just gorgeous so I wanted to snap my photos there. But boy-oh-boy is it COLD in Minneapolis right now!

This after I took my coat off and the wind was whipping around me!

I am extra happy with this dress. I feel like it is so "me" and it was a fun garment to sew! It got me in the frame of mind to start on the Burda coat.


  1. LOVE this palette cleanser!! I feel like I need one of those too. It's nice to get the spirits up again after defeat. (I've had 4 of 5 past makes fail, cry).

    1. Thank you Kristin!! Yes...find a quick and easy WIN to get over the wadders!

  2. When black and white suits you why wouldn't you have many black and white items?
    That is a great pattern and the pockets are cool!

  3. I love both of those looks! Sometimes something easy and different is just what you need to keep that mojo going.

    1. Thanks Denise!! SO true. Sometimes you have to step back and knock something simple.

  4. Absolutely loving your new dress. It's gorgeous and totally suits you. And looks so very comfortable too.

    1. Thanks Jen! It was totally comfortable! I was full of chicken and hush puppies! HA!

  5. Can you say CUTE?! Love this little dress/tunic on you...enjoy it.

  6. I agree that this is really cute and really you! Also your daughter did a great job on the pics!

  7. This is definitely YOU! You look absolutely gorgeous! I love this palette cleanser! Oh, and I hope your daughter is doing well in school. It's wonderful that you get together and eat. I am hoping that will be me and my sweet girl ten years from now.

    1. Thanks Vanessa!
      She's doing great!! It is a nice trade off to having to let them grow up! :-D

  8. super cute! perfect with boots at that length. you make me want to get that pattern. And love the autumn leaves photos, you look great.

  9. Looks great on you!! It's 82 here in Georgia....can't wait for cooler weather.

  10. Yup, I have a big head too, I want to try this pattern. By the way, I love everything you make!

  11. This looks so comfortable and pockets too! Win.

  12. It looks great on you. I love the pockets.

  13. I've been wanting a comfy dress similar to yours for several years. Thanks for reminding me!


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